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Restart Of Freeman Technologies Games Strategy

Today on behalf of the company, we are going to cancel all the ten announced games revealed at our mini E3 2015 social online event. Instead we are going to focus on one big game title a year.

The List of Cancelled Game From Our mini E3 upcoming game annoucements back in June 15th - Now updated 19th June (9 game titles cancelled):


The Guardians


Falling Stars: Night Sky


UNIT (8)

Great Leader


So today we are annoucing two titles, one game title before the end of the year which is in the process of branding the game codename: "TPN, The Project Network" and second title as our original plan Transparent Machines game by holiday (winter) Q4 2016. Thank you guys for the support of this resolved dispute issue. We can move on with better and stronger game quality lineup over quantity. I would like to thank my team for a long couple of months of hardware on these 10 titles, we are scrapping those 9 out of 10 titles, keeping Transparent Machines big portfolio core project development active, we will update you on more information about the game's story and a teaser preview of gameplay and graphic visuals before the end of the year too. Now today we can start off fresh again and start something new and innovative that has not been done before. Thanks to the fans once again for support and love. My team appreciate the support from you guys have given us. We cannot wait to talk more about this upcoming 2015 project which is now underway in development next month close to the launch of Windows 10. Thank you and have a good day guys.

Many Thanks.

Ben Freeman (Head Of Freeman Technologies)

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